My Guide to Markdown

I am committed to becoming more advanced in using Markdown syntax.

Markdown is a way to format text for use in a plain-text editor. I use Markdown because I often need to access my notes from different devices and operating systems, and notes drafted in Markdown are portable. Since plain-text editors can open markdown files, notes are future-proof.

Currently, I use Obsidian for my notes, but many different apps provide Markdown editing. Here’s a basic guide to using Markdown.

Basic Markdown Syntax


To create a heading, add # signs before the first word. The number of # signs you use will reflect the size of the heading.

Heading 1

Uses one # sign. (# Heading 1)

Heading 2

Uses two # signs. (## Heading 2)

Heading 3

Uses three # signs. (### Heading 3)

Heading 4

Uses four # signs. (#### Heading 4)

Heading 5

Uses five # signs. (##### Heading 5)

Heading 6

Uses six # signs. (###### Heading 6)


Bold: **Bold text**

Italic: _Italic_ or *Italic*

This text uses __*italics and bold*__.


Ordered List

1. Thank you

2. For your

3. Time

The list above will render as:

  1. Thank you
  2. For your
  3. Time

Unordered List

– Thank you

– For your

– Time

The list above will render as:

  • Thank you
  • For your
  • Time


Example: [This is my guide to Markdown]( renders as This is my guide to Markdown.



The code above renders the following image.


To create blockquotes:

> MyStudentHQ is a space to write about what I learn. This year, like many others, I have committed to learning and writing in public.

The rendered output looks like this:

MyStudentHQ is a space to write about what I learn. This year, like many others, I have committed to learning and writing in public.


Add ` before and after a word, phrase, or paragraph to render it as code. For example, adding ` before and after What does it mean to learn and write in public? renders as:

What does it mean to learn and write in public?


To create code blocks, use three backticks “` before and after the text.

In simple terms, learning and writing in public means that I will write about what I learn, showcase the tools and resources I use, and show my work or unfinished products. Doing so boldly means that I am writing and publishing posts without fear–freeing myself from the plague of perfection.

Other Markdown Elements

Note that the availability of these elements depend on your markdown editor

  • To create a horizontal rule, I often use --- on a single line
  • You can highlight text with ==highlight==
  • Activate the strikethrough element with the tilde symbol. For example, ~~I dislike this text~~ will render as I dislike this text.
  • Subscript: X~2~ renders as X2
  • Superscript: X^2^ renders as X2


To add a table, use hyphens and pipes shown below

| Fruits   | Yes/No |
| ---------| -------|
| Apples   | Yes    |
| Banana   | No     |


- [x] Task 1
- [ ] Task 2
- [ ] Task 3

If you are interested in visualizing or testing some of these examples, explore Dillinger. It is an excellent way to try out Markdown.

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